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Take some of the stress out of long term financial planning


Business Breakout: Personal Ethical Investment (Part 2)

  • Seminar
  • 19 Jan 2021 09:00 PM
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  • 19 Jan 2021 10:30 PM
Business Breakout: Personal Ethical Investment (Part 2) Responsible Investment
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Take some of the stress out of long term financial planning by understanding the basics of what you need to know and giving your money purpose – for you and your loved ones.

Learn how you can help try and save the planet in one simple step that has 27x more impact than all of your other climate lifestyle changes put together and give your money purpose for people and planet.

We wil also review:

How to get superior investment returns. A simple SWOT analysis to keep you safe and be alert to opportunities.

Taxonomy and the alphabet soup of ethical and impact investing: SRI, ESG, SDGs, Ethical, Impact, Greenwash etc.