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A Board Review, when strategically designed and skillfully delivered


ICDM Public Programme Masterclass: Board Evaluation – If Not, Why Not?

  • Training
  • 29 Aug 2019 09:00 AM
  • to
  • 29 Aug 2019 01:00 PM
ICDM Public Programme Masterclass: Board Evaluation – If Not, Why Not?
  • Robert Gordon BEd M Coun GAICD CCG (INSEAD) FSID
  • Robert Gordon BEd M Coun GAICD CCG (INSEAD) FSID
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A Board Review, when strategically designed and skillfully delivered, can assist boards in proactively maximising the organisation’s capacity in building alignment and realising its vision, mission, and outputs. An impactful and meaningful board review engagement best practice advocates that the engagement should move away from a ‘box-ticking’ exercise to a forensic self and situational reflection.

This fast-paced, interactive, half-day Masterclass will explore and articulate the attributes of an effective Board Review engagement through a TED style presentation, bringing directors up to speed with the trends and global best practices models. Participants will learn to appreciate a more nuanced understanding of the systemic interactions within the board that impact performance and outcomes – people, psychology, behaviours, culture and processes, procedures and protocols.

Registration fee is RM720 for ICDM members and RM800 for non-members.

Call Jonathan/Zefry at +603 2202 2022 or email [email protected] for more details..